Reliv Independent Distributor
Positive Results - Physical and Financial

I was introduced to Reliv International in December 2002.  Although I wasn’t looking for nutrition, the results people were experiencing because of the Reliv products intrigued me.  Everyone in my family started on the product at the same time.  We saw dramatic results from joint discomfort in the elbow, headaches, and weak immune system, and attention issues.  It took a few months for my results but they, too, were dramatic –  relief from discomfort I felt in my leg that caused me to give up physical activities, including using the stairs in my house.  Now I have run 2 marathons – 12 years older!

I began sharing my story with others, they wanted the products, and I soon had a business growing.  Initially, I wanted to pay for music lessons for my children.  Today, my children are goal oriented, successful adults - one is a professional musician!  Thanks to Reliv.

I trust Reliv International completely with its pristine reputation over the past 25+ years as they research, develop, manufacture in their own plant, and distribute their patented products to the consumers.  

Scientific studies show proper nutrition can produce positive changes at this higher level.  Epigenetics holds the key to proper nutrition.  Reliv International is The Nutritional Epigenetics Company.
